Edo2024; Labour party leader in igbanke east orhionmwon LGA Hon. Chucks Imade Dumps Party declares support for PDP

Hon Chucks imade who dump his former party LP sheared his resignation  online today 15th of may 2024 which read as follows,

 "Letter of Resignation from the Labour Party (LP) to Join the People's Democratic Party (PDP)

Dear Wardchairman

Igbenke East

Orhionmwon Lga,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing today to formally submit my resignation as a strong and dedicated member of the Labour Party, effective from today 14th May, 2024.

Having carefully weighed my options and the yearnings of my people and great followers, I  have made this decision to join the People's Democratic Party (PDP) in order to align myself with a political ideology that better reflects my visions and values. 

My time within the Labour Party has been filled with significant experiences and opportunities, and I am genuinely grateful for the relationships I have built and the learnings I have obtained during my tenure. However, recent developments and shifts in the political landscape have led me to reassess my allegiances and seek a new path that the resonates more closely with my core convictions 

I wish to emphasize that my decision to join the PDP is not a reflection of any shortcomings of the Labour Party or its leadership. Although we may differ in certain ideological aspects, I sincerely acknowledge and appreciate the contributions made by the Labour Party in addressing pertinent social and economic issues. Nonetheless, I strongly believe that my membership with the People's Democratic Party will provide a more conducive platform for me to actively participate in shaping the future of our nation.

I kindly request that you update your records to reflect my resignation and ensure that I am no longer considered a member of the Labour Party.

 Furthermore, please accept my deepest gratitude for the countless opportunities and experiences I have gained as a member of your esteemed party.

Thank you for your understanding and support in this matter. I remain committed to serving the interests of our nation and its citizens, and I am excited about the possibilities that lie ahead with the People's Democratic Party.

Yours sincerely,

Hon. Chucks Imade
