Orhionmwon Council pays staff’s December salaries; promises to pay additional 50% of salaries on the 27th day of December 2023

The Orhionmwon Local Government has paid workers their December salaries in line with  Chairman's pledged to prioritise the welfare of the workers engaged by the council.

Employees of the council received their salaries and other entitlements early hours today Thursday, December 14th, 2023. The Council Boss, Hon. Newman Ugiagbe while giving reasons for the very unusual early payment of salaries disclosed that, his administration has taken a clue from the Godwin Obaseki led Edo State government.

In his words, Hon. Ugiagbe said, "Orhionmwon is following the footsteps of Mr. Governor who don't play with worker's welfare. The state government placed priority on the welfare of Edo State workers and has continued to show this by ensuring that salaries are paid as and when due".

The Edo State ALGON chairman further revealed that, 50% of workers salaries will be paid on or before December 27th, 2023 to make it 13th months. "We're all aware of the hard economy situation of Nigeria today, we took it upon ourselves as a responsible government that our staff should have proper Christmas celebration, hence the additional 50% to December salaries".

The chairman while reassuring the Council workers of his administration efforts in providing conducive working environment for  optimal performance, solicited for their continue commitments to duties.

*Roy Osariemen*

Chief Press Secretary

Orhionmwon Local Government Council
