*Importance Of Cognitive Experience In National Legislative Business

_Orhionmwon/Uhunmwode Federal Constituency_

By: *Eribo_News_Field*

Expirence they say is the best teacher at every situation, but in legislative busness expirance is the vehicle which initiate people oriented policies to usher in growth,

 taking the national assembly (House of representatives) as a case study which comprises 360 representives from the various constituencies across the federation. This is what I discribed as a survival of the fittest. 

In the national assembly, been smart or orally vibrant does not  basically guarantee success, what guarantee success is expirence 

Imagine allowing a first timer with no foundation legislative knowledge or processes employed to lobby effectively, 

to represent a constituency in a gathering of over 350  personalities no doubt, the first four years will be wasted on learning the processes of Legislation (a scenario of "sit down look"),

 then what happens to the constituency? This will be another setback. 

Are you also aware that they are special places reserve for the consideration of  those with cognitive experience on legislation at the national assembly?

I.e  former speakers, deputies and some top principal officers from the state house of assembly. Because they are the sharp brains needed.

Rt. Hon. ASORO Roland member representing the good people of orhionmwon south constituency. The current deputy speaker of the seventh Edo State House of Assembly, and a one time majority leader who has headed several house committees since he was elected. 

A man with over a 100 motions and bills. One of the golden stars in the Edo State House Of Assembly, 

A legislative record breaker of all time (first lawmaker in the history of Orhionmwon south constituency to attract  constructed tarred roads)

First lawmaker in the history of Orhionmwon to  initive projects across the six wards of his constituency  now referred to as "the project master".

First lawmaker to bridge the gender  gap, and give equal opportunity to both  gender, through his "women inclusiveness in government practice" he personally initiated having observed how our women was been neglected.

Having a representative like Asoro, the future 

/fate of Orhionwon and Uhunmwode people are guaranteed, 

because he's the definition of what cognitive experience entails.

Votes wisely:




Together We Can!!!!!!!!!!!
