... Meeting called to end all forms of division - Barr. Agbonwanegbe

... Orhionmwon South constituency ticket comfortably resting in our ward, we must ensure it translate to victory - Iyamu

...happy a final reconciliation meeting like this is held, sincerity remain the key - Nosa

As part of the Leader's efforts to restore oneness in the Peoples Democratic Party PDP Edo State chapter towards the forthcoming  General elections,  leaders and members of Ugboko Ward in Orhionmwon local government area yesterday held a unity convention at the Ward's headquarter, Ugboko Niro.

The meeting  was centered merely on reconciliation of all aggrieved members of the party in the ward.

In his openly remarks, the leader of the ward Barr. Chris Agbonwanegbe appreciated  members for the massive turnout, he enumerated the basic reason for the meeting which he stated to be the unity of the party and putting an end to any form of factional fights in the ward. Going by the resolutions of the state leadership of the party.

The PDP Candidate for Orhionmwon South Constituency Comrade Bright Iyamu, who is also from the ward while addressing Leaders and Members of the party said, "the importance of unity in every association cannot be overemphasize. The house of assembly ticket is here in our ward, so we must therefore unite to ensure it translate to victory in general election. My brother Mr Nosa Oghowen and I, have no personal issue, even till this very moment. I'm therefore happy such a meeting is been held today after many months of infighting".

On his part, Mr. Nosa Oghowen who was also one of the personalities present at the ward enlarged meeting, also said "the time for division is over, now is the time to work together in sincerity of minds, if we must achieve our collectives objective. I have always been in good communications with my then fellow contestant Comrade Bright Iyamu even before, during and after the just concluded primaries because I know we are brothers and no matter the fight of political interest, we must surely come together some day to push for betterment of our constituency.

Other notable Leaders present at the meeting advised everyone to shun all form of factional activities that could lead to PDP loosing the election.
