Total Transformation Await Orhionmwon/Uhunmwonde Fed. Constituency ~ Asoro

 By: Comr. Eribo Osaretin... 

The aspirant vying for the position of house of representatives Orhionmwon/Uhunmwode Federal Constituency Rt. Hon Asoro Roland, has again expressed his readiness to liberate the good people of orhionmwon Uhunwonde.

The aspirant while addressing Newsman recount the challenges facing the constituency for many years, 

he further stated that having a vocal voice like himself with a  complete knowledge on standard legislative procedures and mechanisms of lobbying, alone can face to defeat the under development in the constituency.

Asoro also recount his achievements for the past few years as a state lawmaker which earn him  the position of a deputy speaker in the current seventh Edo State House Of Assembly...

According to a verified research backed by photo evidence released by a group whose membership cut across Orhionmwon Uhunwonde local government,

it has become an established fact that the aspirant as a state lawmaker has been able to attract many tangible projects to the six wards of his constituency

 including a very louable tarred roads constructions which happens to be one of it kind in orhionwon South where he represent.

The Fed. House of reps Aspirant Hon Asoro in his concluding speech, assured the people of orhionmwon Uhunwonde federal constituency a very  robust representation, that will enhance growth in all ramifications..

Nominate & Support

Rt. Hon Asoro Roland

As member

Fed. House Of Representatives. Orhionmwon Uhunmwode Federal Constituency.

Together We Can!!!!! 
