Re: _How mr Roland Asoro from Orhionmwon proposed that 20% land from each community in Edo State should be given to herdsmen.

The Era Of Political blackmail and Propaganda Is no more, ASORO will not fall No Matter the plans of the evil ones ~ TeamAsoro2023

Our attention has been drawn to a malicious publication being currently circulated on social media against the person of the deputy speaker of Edo State Rt. Hon. ASORO Roland,

just few  hours after the entire leaders of orhionmwon unanimously endorsed his ambition to represent the people at the fed. House of representatives. Due to his productive representation at the state level.

The malicious publication by some suspected political mischief makers who are afraid of the antecedent of hon. ASORO. They alleged the Honorable member proposed 20% land in all communities to fulani herdsmen,

We therefore advice the good people of Edo State Particularly, orhionmwon East, Orhionmwon south and Uhunwonde to disregard the misleading story emanating from political mischievous minds who are afraid to face the deputy speaker in the forth coming general elections having gotten the complete endorsement of his leaders in the entire Orhionmwon..

Hon Asoro efforts so far to put an end to the illegal activities of fulani herdsmen in orhionwom and every part of Edo State can not be overemphasized, 

The said bill which is still under debate at the house is not a perosnal bill from hon. ASORO and the bill is positioned to end the crisis between fulani herdsmen and the people, it came with various  provisions and clauses which the parliament is still deliberating upon, clause by clause. 

The bill which is targeted to eliminate all forms of illegal activities of Herdsmen, also came with a clause which the drafter  believe to be one of the remedies to place a lasting solution on the issue, the clause stated to give "over" 20% of the every land in each LGA, 

Because this writers are ignorance of legislative procedures and they are so much concern on their mission to pull the deputy speaker down, they therefore turned away from the actual fact to spread rumours. 

However, Anyone with the knowledge of how legislative business is been carried out will understand that they are stages of bill passage,      

 which including introduction of the bill or first reading second reading committee stage where people are been consulted and the third reading. The said bill is still within the in-house for continuous deliberation,  

the deputy speaker only stated what he believe to be of greater benefit to the people by stating that, since the Bill is already before the house for deliberation, he thinks that the clause that stated "over" 20% land of all LGA should be allocated, isn't proper. he further suggested that the committee which the bill is also to create can come up someday to ask for 50% etc since the proposed law is already employing the word OVER.

He further suggested  that if the Bill is to stand. Communities should be allowed to determine the portion of land they can provide for anyone who's interested in cattle rearing, which may be less than the proposed 20% in the bill if they so desire, 

As against all forms of mandating any LGA to provide over 20%,  that can amount to an ambiguous stand which shall create more crisis later on if the bill is to stand . 

All they could do was to misinterpret the stand of the deputy speaker to say he's giving out 20% of land to funlani, even when they were not physically present in the plinary, what a very cheap blackmail. Is the deputy speaker the owner of land in Edo State?

 Edo people are too enlightened to be misled by cheap and illiterate blackmailers

 they can obviously try another means because they have failed in this very attempt. ... 

We must remind politicians that the era of political blackmail is no more. As facts and figures are always available everywhere. 

We members of "team Asoro 2023"  are very sad at this  very misleading and disgraceful point some empty politicians who have nothing to show are taking politics to. 

This attack is from a Political angle personally targeting the political ambition of the deputy speaker, what exactly are they afraid of??

Another question we are asking is why the writers of the misleading publication refused to acknowledge the bills and motions our principal has personally sponsored and moved so far as regards herdsmen . 

This same people were blind when he moved a motion calling on the commissioner of police Edo State to appear before EDHA as a majority leader, to answer questions bothering on fulani herdsmen threat in the state . 

They were blind and deaf when he assisted victims of funlani herdsmen in orhionmwon. 

They were also blind when he moved a motion directing the commissioner of police to detain and investigate  funlani herdsmen involved in illegal activities in orhionwon.

They where also blind when he held series of security meetings with zone 5 Edo State following the invasion of urhonigbe, as was mentioned in their article. 

We are not worried because we know God shall continue to defend and expose the plans of the enemies against our principal, hon. Asoro ... 

The blessings God almighty has proposed for Orhionmwon Uhunmwode federal constituency through him shall materialise.

