The federal govt abandoned our local refineries. Now concentrating on a private refinery owned by Dangote, hoping to be the only means to end the petroleum crisis when operation commences... (what a self serving policies toward a Selfish monopolistic  economy to the detriment of the citizenry). 

There are Dangote cement factories everywhere within the federation, but a bag of cement is currently sold for 3,900 to 4,000 naira... yet the federal  government has done nothing. 

PMS increment is not only barbaric but anti-human... And such decision must be revisited by government for the sake of the wellbeing of it people which is constitutionally to be the paramount interest of the government

if dangote refinery is what the government is looking towards to be the only means to restore the nation from it current undemocratic policies on petroleum, then I suggest every other local refinery  even those illegally operating, be fully licensed and given the needed support to get to standard, 

Since the Govt has continue to turn it attention from bringing to life the Govt owned refinery.
