Orhionmwon Youths Mourn the Passing of Honourable Osagie, a Youth-Friendly Icon

The youths of Orhionmwon Local Government Area mourns, following the demised of Dr. Influence Osagie, a renowned academic, politician, and youth mentor. The youths, who described Dr. Osagie as a "youth-friendly, jolly good elder and mentor", condoled with his family, political associates, and the Edo State University, Ekpoma, where he served as a lecturer.

Dr. Osagie, a native of Urhonigbe, was known for his dedication to the welfare and development of youths in Orhionmwon. He was a mentor to many, offering guidance and support in their academic and political pursuits. His passing has left a vacuum in the lives of the youths, who saw him as a role model and a source of inspiration.

"Dr. Osagie was more than a mentor to us", said Mr. Roy Osariemen. "He was a father figure, a confidant, and a friend. He always had a listening ear and a word of encouragement. His passing is a great loss to us, and we will miss him dearly."

The youths of Orhionmwon remembered Dr. Osagie's contributions to their development, including his support for their educational and political aspirations. He was a regular attendee at youth events and functions, where he offered wise counsel and inspiration.

"Dr. Osagie was a true icon and a shining example of what it means to be a youth-friendly leader. He inspired us to pursue our dreams and never gave up on us, even when we felt like giving up on ourselves. We will miss him, but his legacy will live on in our hearts" said Comrade Etiosa Israel, President Orhionmwon Student Union.

He may be gone, but his memory will live on in the hearts of the youths of Orhionmwon. His dedication to their welfare and development will never be forgotten, and his legacy will continue to inspire and motivate them to achieve their full potential

*©️Orhionmwon Youth Forum*
