PDP NOS insists on published Edo PDP adhoc delegates congresses venues.


... *describes disclaimer statement as irresponsible* 

Credit: Amb. Tony Okonigene 

The National Organizing Secretary (NOS) of The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Hon. Umar Bature, has confirmed that the publication of the venues for the February 3rd -4th PDP adho- delegates congresses in Edo state emanated from his office. He said that his office did the publication in line with the approved guidelines for the congresses and primary coming up in Edo State. 

The NOS made this statement in reaction to an online disclaimer purported to have been signed by the National Publicity Secretary of the party. According to the NOS " It is an irresponsible statement from whosoever it is emanating from. The publication was made by my office which is saddled with the responsibility of organizing such events for the party as approved by the National Working Committee (NWC)".

It is becoming clear that some fifth columnist are not comfortable with the determination of the NWC to organize free and fair congresses in Edo state. This they believe will expose their inadequacies on ground in the state since congresses are done through open ballot (option A4) system. Their plans to have parallel congresses in unauthorized venues have been punctuated by the publication of authorized venues from the office of the NOS.

With the publication,  any congress held outside any of the published venue will be an exercise in futility .

January 29, 2024
