Electricity Vandalism; Elders of Orhionmwon and Uhunmwonde places curse on perpetrator

 ..asked parents to caution their wards against destruction of public facilities

In bid to put a permanent end to the continue vandalization of the electricity facility supplying power to over 13 communities in Orhionmwon and Uhunmwonde local government areas. The Elders, women and youths came out in large number yesterday to lay curse on those elements of darkness who have perpetually vowed to resist any developmental activities in the area.

Various traditionalists from the benefiting communities described the act as barbaric and unacceptable, calling on all well meaning Orhionmwon and Uhunmwonde residents to condemn the destructive act of the perpetrators. Ohen of Ukponoza and others met in Oghada to place curses on those responsible for the heinous act. Udele in Iru, Ovia from Evbohen, the Ekuwemwen of Oghada while Oduku Osomegbe in Evbobanosa and others also joined in performing the traditional rites.

The Traditionalists also used the opportunity to inform Elders present to  warn their wards when they get to their various homes to desist from any act that will discouraged those with the intention to attract development to the area. 

The electricity facility that was facilitated by spirited Individuals in the area majorly initiated and spearheaded by the Director General, Edo Liaison Office Abuja, Deacon Festus Osaigbovo has experienced disruption on several occasions by unknown saboteurs frustrating the good deals of those individuals.

It could be recall during the week, Deacon Osaigbovo played host to media handlers in Orhionmwon to express his displeasure over the evil conceived destruction. He narrated the efforts he has personally expended in insuring the electricity facility is functioning but those who are headbent in keeping the people in darkness kept frustrating his efforts. In response to Mr. Osaigbovo's complaint, the media handlers suggested that a traditional approach be applied hence the latest actions of the Elders and Youths of benefiting communities.

*_...credit' OrhionXpress_*
