Orhionmwon group appeals to PDP Delegates to consider credibility during party primaries


As the intense lobby for party delegates increase ahead of People Democratic Party primary, an advocate for good governance and social justice media group in Orhionmwon known as OrhionXpress has appealed to Delegate to consider credibility when expressing their voting right.

The admonition was given during an interactive section with the group and selected Delegates across the political 12 wards of Orhionmwon local government area during the week.

The one on one discussions with those saddled with the responsibilities of choosing who to fly the party's tickets in the general elections became imperative because the party needs to push forward it's best brains.

OrhionXpress, speaking through their leader Mr. Roy Osariemen explained the reason the for calling such important meeting, he said "we called this meeting so that we can discuss the way forward in the forthcoming primary, how we can put heads together in ensuring the best emerged as our candidate. We're appealing to you, please consider credibility, vibrancy and marketable candidates when casting your vote during our primaries. Winning the primary is not just enough, we want you to project the very best that can win election for us among those in the race."

Speaking further, Mr. Osariemen opined that,  "with the number of Aspirants soliciting votes from you, use the opportunity to ask salient questions as regards plans and programs for Orhionmwon, assess their credentials, scrutinize their motive behind their aspirations by digging deep into their profiles both private and publics lives".

Responding to the appeal made by the media team on behalf of other Delegates present, the Secretary of Abiokunla Ward One PDP, Engr. Uyi Enogieru thanked the group for calling such important meeting at this critical time. He said they will do everything within their power in ensuring the best emerged. He appealed to other Delegates to shun the temptations of going for highest bidder rather than credibility.

