Asoro2023; The Benefits


Under a single umbrella of unity hon. ASORO shall transform Orhionmwon Uhunmwode to a project site that will usher in employment, economy growth and development.

The potential nature of our area sha be exploited to better the lives of our people, through the initiation of effective policies at the national assembly.

As a lawmaker, the enactment of law and spirit to lobby is the vehicle and tools of trade to achieve every desirable objective this, Asoro already possess.

 becoming a national assembly member as a former deputy speaker of a state will not only place us at the principal membership level but will further position Asoro at the level to attract more development to the constituency. Reverse will be the case when a learner is been sent,


Such a person will be a WASTE, considering the numbers of years to learn parliamentary procedures in the House, to the detriment of his people.

Asoro remain the only better choice for the job with recourse to the interest of  the needed development.

There's a great danger allowing a parliamentary neophyte to represent Orhionmwon Uhunmwode..

This is not the time to test capital, this is the time to employ the already tested and trusted capacity like Asoro. 


Rt. Hon. ASORO Roland As member. Fed. House Of Representatives Orhionmwon/Uhunmwode Federal Constituency.*

*_(c)Comr. Eribo Osaretin_*
