Hon. Asoro Seccumb To Pressure

Orhionmwon and Uhunwonde have a lot to benefit ~ Rt. Hon. Asoro Roland

_By: Comr. Eribo Osaretin_

The deputy speaker of the seventh Edo State House Of Assembly Rt. Hon. Asoro O. Roland, has finally responded to the endless demand from the good citizens of orhionmwon and Uhunwonde federal constituency calling on him to run for the 2023 house of representatives election.

The deputy speaker in a meeting with a cross session of his followers yesterday 18th of February 2022, expressed his readiness and willingness to answer the call of the constituents,

he further stated that his decision to run for the seat became necessary following the constant call from the people of the two local government Area both home and in diaspora. 

The lawmaker added that the legislative  knowledge he has acquired from the state legislative arm will deepen the extent of development to be attracted to orhionwvon and Uhunwonde. 

Today i have decided to answer the call i won't betray your trust, the development orhionmwon south  is enjoying today will be taken beyond borders, he added...
